Snaffle Bits
FG pinchless snaffle bit. This is an O-ring snaffle with internal bushings on either side of the bit that allows each side to rotate independently
Weaver O-ring pony snaffle with a 5 inch mouth piece
Weaver draft horse O-ring snaffle with a 6.5 inch mouth piece
Reinsman O-ring chain snaffle
Shanked Bit With a broken mouth pice
Reinsman bit. This bit has a sweet iron broke mouth piece with copper inlays and an 8 inch cheek piece.
Mike Beers bit by Reinsman. This bit has a twisted sweet iron mouth piece with a 4.5 inch shank and a 3 inch purchase. It comes with a chain curb strap.
Sherry Cervi bit by Classic Equine. This bit has a twisted iron broken mouth piece with 4 inch shank and a 4 inch purchase. This bit comes with rubber bit guards.
Sliester Bit and Spur old style bit. This bit has a broken copper mouth piece with a 5 inch shank.
Gag bits
Les Vogt bit by Classis Equine. This has a broken mouth piece with a slight gag. It comes with a chain curb strap.
Les Vogt bit by Classic Equine. This is a three piece bit with a lifesaver center and round bar pieces. It comes with a chain curb strap.
Les Vogt bit by Classis Equine. This bit is a three piece with square bars and a dog bone center with copper rollers. It comes with a chain curb strap
Tough 1 gag bit. This bit has a modified Billy Allen mouth piece with a copper roller in the center
JT wonder bit. This bit has a broken mouth piece with a gag. It comes in average and pony sizes
Carol Goosetree gag bit by Classic Equine. This bit has a 6 inch chain mouth piece with 8 inch cheek piece.
Jr. cow horse bit by Reinsman. This bit has a 5 inch chain mouth piece with a slight gag on the 5 inch cheek piece
Jr. cow horse bit by Reinsman with copper roller. This bit has a 5 inch chain mouth piece with a slight gag on the 5 inch cheek piece
Equisantail bit by Professional Choice. This is a three piece bit with a dog bone center and twisted bar. It has a slight gag with a 6.5 inch cheek piece.
Sharon Camarillo bit by Reinsman. This bit is a three piece with a lifesaver center and sweet iron bars. The small gag is good for medium control in the competition arena
Three piece and Ported bits
Square 1/2 inch copper hinge ported bit with 7 inch cheek and a 5 inch mouth piece
Bob Avila bit by Professional Choice. This bit has a floating port with a 5 inch shank and 2 inch purchase
Bob Avila bit from Professional Choice. This bit has a swivel port with copper rollers on the bars.
Rickey Green bit from Classic equine. This bit has a ported mouth piece with copper inlays along with a 5 inch shank.
Sharon Camarillo bit Reinsman. This bit has a floating port with an even shank to perchance
Reinsman three piece bit with sweet iron on the bars and a copper roller center.
Weaver bit with a medium port, copper inlays and a 7 inch cheek.
Weaver bit with medium port, copper inlays and a 7 inch cheek
Pony bit by weaver. This bit has a 4.5 inch mouth piece along with copper bars and a dog bone center
Pony bit by weaver. This bit has a 4.5 inch ported mouth piece
Reinsman modified Billy Allen. This bit has a sweet iron mouth piece that swivels in the center and at the shank
Professionals Choice hinge port shanked bit. This bit has six different hinge points with a four inch shank and a two inch purchase
Grazer Bits
Reinsman loose jaw colt stage B. 5/8 sweet iron mullen port with 5 inch cheek and 5 inch mouth. low leverage cheek with mild mouth piece.
Medium port grazer bit with copper inlays. This bit has a 6.5 inch mouth and a 3 inch shank
JT curb bit. This bit has low port and a 6 inch shank
Weaver bosal made with 1/2 inch rawhide